
Example Setup

Table Definition
  "TableName": "electro",
Example Entity
import DynamoDB from "aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb";
import { Entity } from 'electrodb';

const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();

const table = 'electro';

const StoreLocations = new Entity({
    model: {
      service: "MallStoreDirectory",
      entity: "MallStore",
      version: "1",
    attributes: {
        cityId: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
        mallId: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
        storeId: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
        buildingId: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
        unitId: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
        category: {
            type: [
                "spite store",
            required: true
        leaseEndDate: {
            type: "string",
            required: true
        rent: {
            type: "string",
            required: true,
            validate: /^(\d+\.\d{2})$/
        discount: {
            type: "string",
            required: false,
            default: "0.00",
            validate: /^(\d+\.\d{2})$/
    indexes: {
        stores: {
            pk: {
                field: "pk",
                composite: ["cityId", "mallId"]
            sk: {
                field: "sk",
                composite: ["buildingId", "storeId"]
        units: {
            index: "gis1pk-gsi1sk-index",
            pk: {
                field: "gis1pk",
                composite: ["mallId"]
            sk: {
                field: "gsi1sk",
                composite: ["buildingId", "unitId"]
        leases: {
            index: "gis2pk-gsi2sk-index",
            pk: {
                field: "gis2pk",
                composite: ["storeId"]
            sk: {
                field: "gsi2sk",
                composite: ["leaseEndDate"]
}, {table, client});
(Example code on this page that references the entity StoreLocations uses the following Entity and Table Definition found below)


All ElectroDB query and scan operations return a cursor, which is a stringified and copy of DynamoDB’s LastEvaluatedKey with a base64url encoding.

The terminal method go() accepts a cursor when executing a query or scan to continue paginating for more results. Pass the cursor from the previous query to your next query and ElectroDB will continue its pagination where it left off.

To limit the number of items ElectroDB will retrieve, read more about the Query Options pages and limit.


const results1 = await MallStores.query
	.leases({ mallId })
	.go(); // no "cursor" passed to `.go()`

const results2 = await MallStores.query
	.leases({ mallId })
	.go({ cursor: results1.cursor }); // Paginate by querying with the "cursor" from your first query
  "cursor": "...",
  "data": [{
    "mall": "3010aa0d-5591-4664-8385-3503ece58b1c",
    "leaseEnd": "2020-01-20",
    "sector": "7d0f5c19-ec1d-4c1e-b613-a4cc07eb4db5",
    "store": "MNO",
    "unit": "B5",
    "id": "e0705325-d735-4fe4-906e-74091a551a04",
    "building": "BuildingE",
    "category": "food/coffee",
    "rent": "0.00"
    "mall": "3010aa0d-5591-4664-8385-3503ece58b1c",
    "leaseEnd": "2020-01-20",
    "sector": "7d0f5c19-ec1d-4c1e-b613-a4cc07eb4db5",
    "store": "ZYX",
    "unit": "B9",
    "id": "f201a1d3-2126-46a2-aec9-758ade8ab2ab",
    "building": "BuildingI",
    "category": "food/coffee",
    "rent": "0.00"


Pagination with services is also possible. Similar to Entity Pagination, calling the .go() method returns the following structure:

type GoResults = {
    cursor: string | null;
    data: {
        [entityName: string]: { /** EntityItem */ }[]


A notable Pagination Option is pager. This property defines the post-processing ElectroDB should perform on a returned LastEvaluatedKey, as well as how ElectroDB should interpret an incoming pager, to use as an ExclusiveStartKey.

“raw”: The "raw" option returns the LastEvaluatedKey as it was returned by the DynamoDB DocClient.

  "pk": "$taskapp#country_united states of america#state_oregon",
  "sk": "$offices_1#city_power#zip_34706#office_mobile branch",
  "gsi1pk": "$taskapp#office_mobile branch",
  "gsi1sk": "$workplaces#offices_1"


Simple pagination example:

async function getAllStores(mallId) {
  let stores = [];
  let cursor = null;

  do {
    const results = await MallStores.query
      .leases({ mallId })
      .go({ pager });
    stores = [...stores,];
    cursor = results.cursor;
  } while(pager !== null);

  return stores;