Human resources database
Lets look at the needs of an application used to manage Employees. The application Looks at employees, offices, tasks, and projects.
Table Definition
Example Setup
Table Definition
{ "TableName": "electro", "KeySchema":[ { "AttributeName":"pk", "KeyType":"HASH" }, { "AttributeName":"sk", "KeyType":"RANGE" } ], "AttributeDefinitions":[ { "AttributeName":"pk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"sk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1pk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1sk", "AttributeType":"S" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes":[ { "IndexName":"gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index", "KeySchema":[ { "AttributeName":"gsi1pk", "KeyType":"HASH" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1sk", "KeyType":"RANGE" } ], "Projection":{ "ProjectionType":"ALL" } } ], "BillingMode":"PAY_PER_REQUEST" }
- As a Project Manager, I need to find all tasks and details on a specific employee.
- As a Regional Manager, I need to see all details about an office and its employees
- As an Employee, I need to see all my Tasks.
- As a Product Manager, I need to see all the tasks for a project.
- As a Client, I need to find a physical office close to me.
- As a Hiring manager, I need to find employees with comparable salaries.
- As HR, I need to find upcoming employee birthdays/anniversaries
- As HR, I need to find all the employees that report to a specific manager
For this example we will create multiple entities and relate them together through a Service
The Employee
entity represents a single Employee at the company.
import { Entity } from 'electrodb';
const Employee = new Entity({
model: {
entity: "employee",
version: "1",
service: "taskapp",
attributes: {
employee: {
type: "string",
firstName: {
type: "string",
lastName: {
type: "string",
office: {
type: "string",
title: {
type: "string",
team: {
type: ["development", "marketing", "finance", "product"] as const,
salary: {
type: "string",
manager: {
type: "string",
dateHired: {
type: "string",
birthday: {
type: "string",
indexes: {
employee: {
pk: {
field: "pk",
composite: ["employee"],
sk: {
field: "sk",
composite: [],
coworkers: {
index: "gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index",
collection: "workplaces",
pk: {
field: "gsi1pk",
composite: ["office"],
sk: {
field: "gsi1sk",
composite: ["team", "title", "employee"],
teams: {
index: "gsi2pk-gsi2sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi2pk",
composite: ["team"],
sk: {
field: "gsi2sk",
composite: ["title", "salary", "employee"],
employeeLookup: {
collection: "assignments",
index: "gsi3pk-gsi3sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi3pk",
composite: ["employee"],
sk: {
field: "gsi3sk",
composite: [],
roles: {
index: "gsi4pk-gsi4sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi4pk",
composite: ["title"],
sk: {
field: "gsi4sk",
composite: ["salary", "employee"],
directReports: {
index: "gsi5pk-gsi5sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi5pk",
composite: ["manager"],
sk: {
field: "gsi5sk",
composite: ["team", "office", "employee"],
The Task
entity represents a single instance of a task, to be worked on by an Employee
import { Entity } from 'electrodb';
const Task = new Entity({
model: {
entity: "task",
version: "1",
service: "taskapp",
attributes: {
task: "string",
project: "string",
employee: "string",
description: "string",
indexes: {
task: {
pk: {
field: "pk",
composite: ["task"],
sk: {
field: "sk",
composite: ["project", "employee"],
project: {
index: "gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi1pk",
composite: ["project"],
sk: {
field: "gsi1sk",
composite: ["employee", "task"],
assigned: {
collection: "assignments",
index: "gsi3pk-gsi3sk-index",
pk: {
field: "gsi3pk",
composite: ["employee"],
sk: {
field: "gsi3sk",
composite: ["project", "task"],
The Office
entity represents a location/building in which employees can work.
import { Entity } from 'electrodb';
const Office = new Entity({
model: {
entity: "office",
version: "1",
service: "taskapp",
attributes: {
office: {
type: "string",
country: {
type: "string",
state: {
type: "string",
city: {
type: "string",
zip: {
type: "string",
address: {
type: "string",
indexes: {
locations: {
pk: {
field: "pk",
composite: ["country", "state"],
sk: {
field: "sk",
composite: ["city", "zip", "office"],
office: {
index: "gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index",
collection: "workplaces",
pk: {
field: "gsi1pk",
composite: ["office"],
sk: {
field: "gsi1sk",
composite: [],
Join models together in a new Service
called EmployeeApp
const DynamoDB = require("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb");
const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient({region: "us-east-1"});
const { Service } = require("electrodb");
const table = "projectmanagement";
const EmployeeApp = new Service({
employees: Employee,
tasks: Task,
offices: Office,
}, { client, table });
Access Patterns
All tasks and employee information for a given employee
Fulfilling Requirement #1.
await EmployeeApp.collections.assignments({employee: "CBaskin"}).go();
Returns the following:
data: {
employees: [{
employee: "cbaskin",
firstName: "carol",
lastName: "baskin",
office: "big cat rescue",
title: "owner",
team: "cool cats and kittens",
salary: "1,000,000",
manager: "",
dateHired: "1992-11-04",
birthday: "1961-06-06",
tasks: [{
task: "Feed tigers",
description: "Prepare food for tigers to eat",
project: "Keep tigers alive",
employee: "cbaskin"
}, {
task: "Fill water bowls",
description: "Ensure the tigers have enough water",
project: "Keep tigers alive",
employee: "cbaskin"
cursor: '...'
Find all employees and office details for a given office
Fulfilling Requirement #2.
await EmployeeApp.collections.workplaces({office: "big cat rescue"}).go();
Returns the following:
data: {
employees: [{
employee: "cbaskin",
firstName: "carol",
lastName: "baskin",
office: "big cat rescue",
title: "owner",
team: "cool cats and kittens",
salary: "1,000,000",
manager: "",
dateHired: "1992-11-04",
birthday: "1961-06-06",
offices: [{
office: "big cat rescue",
country: "usa",
state: "florida",
city: "tampa",
zip: "12345",
address: "123 Kitty Cat Lane"
cursor: '...'
Tasks for a given employee
Fulfilling Requirement #3.
// on the service
await EmployeeApp.entities.tasks.query.assigned({employee: "cbaskin"}).go();
// on the entity
await tasks.query.assigned({employee: "cbaskin"}).go();
Returns the following:
data: [
task: "Feed tigers",
description: "Prepare food for tigers to eat",
project: "Keep tigers alive",
employee: "cbaskin"
}, {
task: "Fill water bowls",
description: "Ensure the tigers have enough water",
project: "Keep tigers alive",
employee: "cbaskin"
cursor: '...',
Tasks for a given project
Fulfilling Requirement #4.
// on the service
await EmployeeApp.entities.tasks.query.project({project: "Murder Carol"}).go();
// on the entity
await tasks.query.project({project: "Murder Carol"}).go();
Returns the following:
data: [
task: "Hire hitman",
description: "Find someone to murder Carol",
project: "Murder Carol",
employee: "jexotic"
cursor: '...'
Find office locations
Fulfilling Requirement #5.
// on the service
await{country: "usa", state: "florida"}).go();
// on the entity
await office.locations({country: "usa", state: "florida"}).go();
Returns the following:
data: [
office: "big cat rescue",
country: "usa",
state: "florida",
city: "tampa",
zip: "12345",
address: "123 Kitty Cat Lane"
cursor: '...'
Find employee salaries and titles
Fulfilling Requirement #6.
// on the service
await EmployeeApp.entities.employees
.roles({title: "animal wrangler"})
.lte({salary: "150.00"})
// on the entity
await employees
.roles({title: "animal wrangler"})
.lte({salary: "150.00"})
Returns the following:
data: [
employee: "ssaffery",
firstName: "saff",
lastName: "saffery",
office: "gw zoo",
title: "animal wrangler",
team: "keepers",
salary: "105.00",
manager: "jexotic",
dateHired: "1999-02-23",
birthday: "1960-07-11",
cursor: '...'
Find employee birthdays or anniversaries
Fulfilling Requirement #7.
const startDate = "2020-05-01";
const endDate = "2020-06-01";
// on the service
await EmployeeApp.entities.employees
.workplaces({office: "gw zoo"})
.where(({ birthday, dateHired }, { between }) => `
${between(dateHired, startDate, endDate)} OR
${between(birthday, startDate, endDate)}
.upcomingCelebrations("2020-05-01", "2020-06-01")
// on the entity
await employees
.workplaces({office: "gw zoo"})
.where(({ birthday, dateHired }, { between }) => `
${between(dateHired, startDate, endDate)} OR
${between(birthday, startDate, endDate)}
.upcomingCelebrations("2020-05-01", "2020-06-01")
Returns the following:
data: [
employee: "jexotic",
firstName: "joe",
lastName: "maldonado-passage",
office: "gw zoo",
title: "tiger king",
team: "founders",
salary: "10000.00",
manager: "jlowe",
dateHired: "1999-02-23",
birthday: "1963-03-05",
cursor: '...'
Find direct reports
Fulfilling Requirement #8.
// on the service
await EmployeeApp.entities.employees
.reports({manager: "jlowe"})
// on the entity
await employees
.reports({manager: "jlowe"})
Returns the following:
data: [
employee: "jexotic",
firstName: "joe",
lastName: "maldonado-passage",
office: "gw zoo",
title: "tiger king",
team: "founders",
salary: "10000.00",
manager: "jlowe",
dateHired: "1999-02-23",
birthday: "1963-03-05",
cursor: '...'