
In ElectroDB an Entity represents a single business object. For example, in a simple task tracking application, one Entity could represent an Employee and or a Task that is assigned to an employee.

ElectroDB was created with Single-Table Design in mind. As a result, entities created by ElectroDB will automatically be isolated from entities created by ElectroDB. In turn, this means a single dynamodb table is capable of containing an infinite number of ElectroDB entities.


Entities are defined via a Schema, passed to the Entity’s constructor.

import DynamoDB from "aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb";
import { Entity } from 'electrodb';

const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();

const table = 'electro';

const Task = new Entity({
	model: {
		entity: "task",
		version: "1",
		service: "taskapp",
	attributes: {
		task: {
			type: "string",
			default: () => uuid(),
		project: {
			type: "string",
		employee: {
			type: "string",
		description: {
			type: "string",
	indexes: {
		task: {
			pk: {
				field: "pk",
				composite: ["task"],
			sk: {
				field: "sk",
				composite: ["project", "employee"],
		project: {
			index: "gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index",
			pk: {
				field: "gsi1pk",
				composite: ["project"],
			sk: {
				field: "gsi1sk",
				composite: ["employee", "task"],
		assigned: {
			collection: "assignments",
			index: "gsi3pk-gsi3sk-index",
			pk: {
				field: "gsi3pk",
				composite: ["employee"],
			sk: {
				field: "gsi3sk",
				composite: ["project", "task"],
}, {table, client});

Additionally, as a second parameter to the constructor, ElectroDB accepts an “options” object that defines the electrodb TableName and a DynamoDB DocumentClient.

Entity Definition (Schema)

model.serviceName of the application using the entity, used to namespace all entities
model.entityName of the entity that the schema represents
model.versionThe version number of the schema, used to namespace keys
attributesAn object containing each attribute that makes up the schema
indexesAn object containing table indexes, including the values for the table’s default Partition Key and Sort Key

Entity Options

tableThe name of the dynamodb table in aws.
client(optional) An instance of the docClient from the aws-sdk for use when querying a DynamoDB table. This is optional if you wish to only use the params functionality, but required if you actually need to query against a database.