Example Setup
Table Definition
{ "TableName": "electro", "KeySchema":[ { "AttributeName":"pk", "KeyType":"HASH" }, { "AttributeName":"sk", "KeyType":"RANGE" } ], "AttributeDefinitions":[ { "AttributeName":"pk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"sk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1pk", "AttributeType":"S" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1sk", "AttributeType":"S" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes":[ { "IndexName":"gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index", "KeySchema":[ { "AttributeName":"gsi1pk", "KeyType":"HASH" }, { "AttributeName":"gsi1sk", "KeyType":"RANGE" } ], "Projection":{ "ProjectionType":"ALL" } } ], "BillingMode":"PAY_PER_REQUEST" }
(Example code on this page that references the entityExample Entity
import DynamoDB from "aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb"; import { Entity } from 'electrodb'; const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const table = 'electro'; const StoreLocations = new Entity({ model: { service: "MallStoreDirectory", entity: "MallStore", version: "1", }, attributes: { cityId: { type: "string", required: true, }, mallId: { type: "string", required: true, }, storeId: { type: "string", required: true, }, buildingId: { type: "string", required: true, }, unitId: { type: "string", required: true, }, category: { type: [ "spite store", "food/coffee", "food/meal", "clothing", "electronics", "department", "misc" ], required: true }, leaseEndDate: { type: "string", required: true }, rent: { type: "string", required: true, validate: /^(\d+\.\d{2})$/ }, discount: { type: "string", required: false, default: "0.00", validate: /^(\d+\.\d{2})$/ } }, indexes: { stores: { pk: { field: "pk", composite: ["cityId", "mallId"] }, sk: { field: "sk", composite: ["buildingId", "storeId"] } }, units: { index: "gis1pk-gsi1sk-index", pk: { field: "gis1pk", composite: ["mallId"] }, sk: { field: "gsi1sk", composite: ["buildingId", "unitId"] } }, leases: { index: "gis2pk-gsi2sk-index", pk: { field: "gis2pk", composite: ["storeId"] }, sk: { field: "gsi2sk", composite: ["leaseEndDate"] } } } }, {table, client});
uses the following Entity and Table Definition found below)
Provide all required Attributes as defined in the model to create a new record. ElectroDB will enforce any defined validations, defaults, casting, and field aliasing. A Put operation will trigger the default
, and set
attribute callbacks when writing to DynamoDB. By default, after performing a put()
or create()
operation, ElectroDB will format and return the record through the same process as a Get/Query. This process will invoke the get
callback on all included attributes. If this behaviour is not desired, use the Execution Option response:"none"
to return a null value.
This example includes an optional conditional expression.
await StoreLocations
cityId: "Atlanta1",
storeId: "LatteLarrys",
mallId: "EastPointe",
buildingId: "BuildingA1",
unitId: "B47",
category: "food/coffee",
leaseEndDate: "2020-03-22",
rent: "4500.00"
.where((attr, op) => op.eq(attr.rent, "4500.00"))
Response Format
data: { YOUR_SCHEMA }
Equivalent Parameters
"Item": {
"cityId": "Atlanta1",
"mallId": "EastPointe",
"storeId": "LatteLarrys",
"buildingId": "BuildingA1",
"unitId": "B47",
"category": "food/coffee",
"leaseEndDate": "2020-03-22",
"rent": "4500.00",
"discount": "0.00",
"pk": "$mallstoredirectory#cityid_atlanta1#mallid_eastpointe",
"sk": "$mallstore_1#buildingid_buildinga1#storeid_lattelarrys",
"gis1pk": "$mallstoredirectory#mallid_eastpointe",
"gsi1sk": "$mallstore_1#buildingid_buildinga1#unitid_b47",
"gis2pk": "$mallstoredirectory#storeid_lattelarrys",
"gsi2sk": "$mallstore_1#leaseenddate_2020-03-22",
"__edb_e__": "MallStore",
"__edb_v__": "1"
"TableName": "StoreDirectory",
"ConditionExpression": "#rent = :rent_w1",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#rent": "rent"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":rent_w1": "4500.00"
Execution Options
Query options can be added the .params()
and .go()
to change query behavior or add customer parameters to a query.
By default, ElectroDB enables you to work with records as the names and properties defined in the model. Additionally, it removes the need to deal directly with the docClient parameters which can be complex for a team without as much experience with DynamoDB. The Query Options object can be passed to both the .params()
and .go()
methods when building you query. Below are the options available:
params?: object;
table?: string;
data?: 'raw' | 'includeKeys' | 'attributes';
originalErr?: boolean;
concurrent?: number;
unprocessed?: "raw" | "item";
response?: "default" | "none" | "all_old" | "updated_old" | "all_new" | "updated_new";
ignoreOwnership?: boolean;
logger?: (event) => void;
listeners Array<(event) => void>;
attributes?: string[];
Option | Default | Description |
params | {} | Properties added to this object will be merged onto the params sent to the document client. Any conflicts with ElectroDB will favor the params specified here. |
table | (from constructor) | Use a different table than the one defined in the Service Options |
attributes | (all attributes) | The attributes query option allows you to specify ProjectionExpression Attributes for your get or query operation. As of 1.11.0 only root attributes are allowed to be specified. |
data | "attributes" | Accepts the values 'raw' , 'includeKeys' , 'attributes' or undefined . Use 'raw' to return query results as they were returned by the docClient. Use 'includeKeys' to include item partition and sort key values in your return object. By default, ElectroDB does not return partition, sort, or global keys in its response. |
originalErr | false | By default, ElectroDB alters the stacktrace of any exceptions thrown by the DynamoDB client to give better visibility to the developer. Set this value equal to true to turn off this functionality and return the error unchanged. |
concurrent | 1 | When performing batch operations, how many requests (1 batch operation == 1 request) to DynamoDB should ElectroDB make at one time. Be mindful of your DynamoDB throughput configurations. |
unprocessed | "item" | Used in batch processing to override ElectroDBs default behaviour to break apart DynamoDBs Unprocessed records into composite attributes. See more detail about this in the sections for BatchGet, BatchDelete, and BatchPut. |
response | "default" | Used as a convenience for applying the DynamoDB parameter ReturnValues . The options here are the same as the parameter values for the DocumentClient except lowercase. The "none" option will cause the method to return null and will bypass ElectroDB’s response formatting — useful if formatting performance is a concern. |
ignoreOwnership | false | By default, ElectroDB interrogates items returned from a query for the presence of matching entity “identifiers”. This helps to ensure other entities, or other versions of an entity, are filtered from your results. If you are using ElectroDB with an existing table/dataset you can turn off this feature by setting this property to true . |
listeners | [] | An array of callbacks that are invoked when internal ElectroDB events occur. |
logger | none | A convenience option for a single event listener that semantically can be used for logging. |